Stephen's Chimney Sweep News

Origin One: Lucky Beginnings

Posted on April 5th, 2018

king william of britainThe oldest of the stories goes back a very long way to King William of Britain way back in 1087/1100 nearly a thousand years past.

The story goes that while the king was walking a runaway carriage which was headed for his daughter was stopped by a brave man who happened to be a chimney sweep.

Later the king decreed that chimney sweeps are of lucky character. Out of gratitude king William invited the chimney sweep to the wedding of his daughter in order to both say thank you and bring some luck.

This is the first reference I can find to why chimney sweeps are considered lucky to have in attendance at weddings.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms

Posted on April 5th, 2018

A carbon monoxide build up is something that happens when heating appliances aren’t burning all of their fuel properly. This waste gas, as most people already know, can be dangerous and can needlessly shorten lives. While most people are aware that overexposure to carbon monoxide is hazardous, it is not as widely known that over time, low level exposure can be just as life threatening, particularly to the vulnerable such as young children and the elderly as sudden, high levels of exposure can. Carbon monoxide affects your red blood cells’ ability to get oxygen to the parts of your body that need it the most by bonding oxygen too tightly to the cells for them to let it go where it is required. Because of this, it is vital for yours and your loved ones’ wellbeing that you take all the precaution you can against carbon monoxide poisoning. Prevention, as the old adage goes, is better than cure. Read More