Soot and Creosote is a fire hazard if
not professionally cleaned and maintained.
Creosote comes in 3 stages:
Stage 1: Black dust or fine black powder.
Stage 2: A harder rock-like substance.
Stage 3: Tar.
Soot and Creosote is a fire hazard if not professionally cleaned and maintained.
Creosote comes in 3 stages:
Stage 1: Black dust or fine black powder.
Stage 2: A harder rock-like substance.
Stage 3: Tar.
Tar is viscous and sticky before hardening with a glaze like appearance, Stage 3 Tar is a highly concentrated fuel which can easily catch fire resulting in a potentially devastating chimney fire.

Reasons for Stage 3
- Burning of unseasoned wood.
- Incomplete combustion (slumbering/cutting off air supply).
- Inadequate air supply for the fire.
- Cold or Uninsulated chimney.
- Flue to big for fire.
Stage 1 and 2 can be removed by sweeping.

Stage 3 can only be removed by being chemically treated.
Stephen's Chimney Sweep use a a treatment called Cre-Away

Cre-Away is a four component powder that safely modifies glazed stage 3 creosote.
When applied Cre-away will react with the tar and chemically modify it changing into a substance that can be more easily removed.
How this works
- A reactive agent neutralizes the acidic creosote making it less flammable in your chimney and less corrosive to metal components.
- A dehydrator adsorbs the moisture and oils contained in the different forms of creosote. A combustion inhibitor helps reduce the chance of chimney fire.
- A magnesium catalyst helps break down stage 3 creosote Tar when the flue is heated.
Stephen's Chimney Sweep will preheat the chimney and apply Cre-Away using a small compressor. The flue will be fully coated and left for 2 to 4 weeks producing a product that can then be removed by sweeping. We will then issue you with a current chimney sweeping certificate for your insurance.